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SpasPark 15-16 juin 2017, Cracovie, Pologne

Photo du rédacteur: Damien MotavasseliDamien Motavasseli

We are very much looking forward to the honour and pleasure of welcoming you in gorgeous and historical Krakow, for the first edition of SPASPARK:

The name says it all. Our goal is to unite neurologists and rehabilitation physicians, physical therapists and medical doctors, to help shape up the discipline of Neurorehabilitation, which is still not recognized in many countries. The second objective of the symposium is to gather experts in spastic paresis – due to multiple sclerosis, stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal cord and brain injuries – and experts in parkinsonism, as we believe these two syndromes share much in common for parts of their pathophysiology and appropriate neurorehabilitation strategies, and that knowledge in one can help increase understanding of the other.

We have lined up an impressive list of scholars, many of whom are not so often visible in international clinical meetings despite being the world experts in their respective fields. We know that discussion between them will make for a wonderful and interesting, stimulating two days. Our objective is to help all of us think better, hopefully towards improving our practices, to the ultimate benefit of our patients.

For those of you who already know Krakow, there is no need to stress the joy that one always has coming back to this marvelous city. For those who will come for the first time to the historical capital of Poland, you are up for a thrill. Wonderful human atmosphere, historical and cultural authenticity, beauty of the architecture together with the simplicity and kindness of its people, will combine to make your stay both memorable and highly enjoyable. Our gala dinner in the Unesco World heritage Wieliczka Salt Mines will take your breath away and definitively knock your last remaining resistances off, to leave you with an emotional, unforgettable memory.

Jean-Michel Gracies (Université Paris-Est Créteil, France) Monika Rudzinska (Medical University of Silesia, Poland)

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