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  • Photo du rédacteurDamien Motavasseli

Nouvelle publication : fluidité du mouvement

Plusieurs membres de l'équipe, avec en tête de file le Dr Nicolas Bayle, viennent de publier une étude dans le journal scientifique SENSORS qui traite de l'analyse de la fluidité du mouvement chez les sujets sains :

Abstract: Backgound: Metrics for movement smoothness include the number of zero-crossings on the acceleration profile (N0C), the log dimensionless jerk (LDLJ), the normalized averaged rectified jerk (NARJ) and the spectral arc length (SPARC). Sensitivity to the handedness and movement type of these four metrics was compared and correlations with other kinematic parameters were explored in healthy subjects. Methods: Thirty-two healthy participants underwent 3D upper limb motion analysis during two sets of pointing movements on each side. They performed forward- and backward-pointing movements at a self-selected speed to a target located ahead at shoulder height and at 90% arm length, with and without a three-second pause between forward and backward movements. Kinematics were collected, and smoothness metrics were computed. Results: LDLJ, NARJ and N0C found backward movements to be smoother, while SPARC found the opposite. Inter- and intra-subject coefficients of variation were lowest for SPARC. LDLJ, NARJ and N0C were correlated with each other and with movement time, unlike SPARC. Conclusion: There are major differences between smoothness metrics measured in the temporal domain (N0C, LDLJ, NARJ), which depend on movement time, and those measured in the frequency domain, the SPARC, which gave results opposite to the other metrics when comparing backward and forward movements. Keywords: motion analysis; kinematics; pointing task; smoothness metrics; SPARC; LDLJ

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