Nouvel article de l’équipe avec Marina Guihard, Pr Jean-Michel Gracies et Dr Marjolaine Baude @dr_baude_mpr pour quantifier les mouvements du visage à l’aide d’un système d’analyse du mouvement chez des patients exempts de parésie faciale !
Le but : pouvoir l’utiliser chez des patients avec une parésie faciale pour suivre leurs progrès durant la rééducation.
This work proposes a 3D normative database of facial ranges of motion in adults free from facial disorders. Ten facial movements were analyzed, each targeting the activity of specific muscle groups innervated by the facial nerve. The experimental protocol included a test-retest reliability positioning procedure of 25 skin markers based on clinical expertise in facial morphology. Three maximal voluntary contractions were recorded for each facial movement studied, using a 3D facial motion capture helmet. We included 53 adults free from facial disorders (26 men; age 43 ± 14), evaluated twice one week apart. The reliability of marker positioning was expressed as absolute measurement errors. The range of motion vectors of all markers from the best rest to the maximal voluntary contraction was calculated for each muscle group. Primary, secondary, and tertiary markers were extracted for each facial movement. 3D Procruste and asymmetry indices were developed. This allowed the identification of common thresholds of 10% for the asymmetry index and of 6 mm for the Procruste index, beyond which facial motions would be considered abnormally asymmetric. The normative database quantifies facial motions and allows assessment of the degree of clinical disorders by comparison. This protocol is currently being investigated in patients with chronic unilateral peripheral facial paresis.